Harness The Power of...

Harness The Power of Honey

Posted : 3 years ago


Apart from sweetening and adding colour to your dish, raw honey comes with a wide varieties of health benefits. Processed honey, though attractive in colour and smooth in consistency, lack the very rich nutrients honey has. To enjoy these benefits in this article, raw honey must be your preferred choice.

The benefits of honey lie around it’s unique anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-proliferative, anti-metastatic, and prebiotic properties. I know these words are buzzing around your head, read on to understand honey’s superpowers.

      1. Anti-microbial property

Honey then has the ability to fight against harmful bacteria. It contains compounds called phytonutrients which are used by plants to protect their selves. During pollen synthesis, bees deposit hydrogen peroxide, a natural antiseptic, into the honey they’re creating. Taking two teaspoonful of honey each day will help you stay healthy by fighting the billions of bacteria we inhale and get in contact with every day. With this property it can be used to

  • supress cough and throat ache
  • Promote oral health by fending off gingivitis and periodontal disease.
  • Aids in fighting ulcers by fighting stubborn Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the gut
  • Helps balance bacteria on skin and clears acne


    2. Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oxidant properties

Anti-oxidants are compounds that help in neutralising the free radicals in the body. Flavonoids and polyphenols present in honey act as anti-oxidants. Free radicals are harmful toxins found in the blood stream. They try to attack your cells through a process called oxidative stress and causes damages associated with aging, inflammatory disorders, and diseases, including cancer. The anti-inflammatory property of honey helps cure inflammatory disorders caused by free radicals. Consuming honey will help

  • Keep cells stronger
  • Boost immunity against diseases
  • Prevent the development of cancer
  • Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases which can be caused by oxidative stress and inflammation
  • Speeds up the skin’s healing processes that helps clear scars and blemishes


    3. Anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic properties

Anti-metastasis is when the spread of cancer cells from the place where they first formed to another part of the body is prevented and anti-proliferative is suppressing the growth of malignant cells into surrounding tissues. Honey has the power to do these, consequently preventing you from developing any sort of cancer.

  • Prevents the development and the spread of cancer cells




    4. Prebiotic property

Raw honey is recognized as a prebiotic food, meaning it can nurture the good bacteria living in your gut. This helps to make digestion easier and improves digestive health.

  • Improves digestive health


Honey has everything to offer — from its antioxidant abilities to its role as a deliciously natural sweetener. Incorporate honey in your daily diet and take advantage of the health perks.





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